1. | Ungentem pungit, pungentem Rusticus angit. | Fr. Oignez vilain il vous poindra, Poignez vilain il vous oindraEsp. El ruyn, mientras mas le ruegan, mas se estiendeOignez vilain il vous poindra, Poignez vilain il vous oindra
If you treat a clown with mildness and civility he will fancy you are afraid of him, and will return your kindness with rudeness or insult; but if preserving your dignity, you treat him as your inferior or with some degree of authority, he will crouch to and fawn upon you: « A base unthankful clownish brood, Return ill offices for good, But if you should them harshly treat, Then spaniel-like they'll lick your feet». El ruyn, mientras mas le ruegan, mas se estiende, a low and base man, the more you entreat him, the more insolent he becomes. |