It. L'ozio il padre di tutti i viziFr. L'oisiveté nous mène à la mendicitéAs fern and other hurtful weeds spring up in ground that is not tilled, so do ill humours abound in the bodies of the idle, and evil thoughts take possession of their minds. Hence we truly say, L'ozio è il padre di tutti i vizi, idleness is the root of all evil, L'oisiveté nous mène à la mendicité, and leads to beggary. Idle persons are necessarily restless and unhappy. «They are never pleased, never well in body or in mind, but weary still, sickly still, vexed still, loathing still; weeping, sighing, grieving, suspecting, offended with the world, and with every object; and this is the reason», Burton says, «that so many wealthy and great personages, become melancholy».
Fuente: Erasmo, 1897.